Caring For Widows

Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause. — Isaiah 1:17

We never understood what the Bible really met by the word “widow” until we lived in the developing world. Widows in the world’s poorest places are totally defenseless. There is no one to protect them or their children. No one provide for them. They are completely vulnerable.

L4L is helping care for 400+ widows in N. Iraq with more than 800 children. They have no food. No way to keep warm in the tents in the refugee camp in winter. Many have contemplated suicide. Our Counselling Center in camp has prevented a number of suicides. They now have hope and a reason to live.

$25 provides a widow with a blanket and heating oil. $35 provides them a kerosene heater. $30 provides a widow and her children a month’s worth of food. You can give here

Thank and bless you for loving the least with us in Jesus’ Name.

Donate to Widows

Share The Good News Of The Gospel

Bringing HOPE Where There Was None

We share the good news of the gospel with the least and unreached by making disciples of Jesus who make disciples (2 Tim 2:2). And by helping to meet the physical needs of the poorest of the poor. The focus has always been on relieving suffering and building new lives among orphans and widows. And now refugees. There are more than 1,000,000+ refugees from ISIS in Northern Iraq where L4L is presently serving. L4L’s particular focus areas are strategic unreached portions of East Africa and the Middle East where God is moving.