Lighting Sparks of Goodness That Become Kingdom Fires

The gifts of so many this year have spread the Gospel of Jesus in unreached places!

Please celebrate with us the work God has done so far in 2024 through Gospel partnership with Love for the Least!

Click the full screen button on the interactive report, or click the button below to download the report PDF.

Download The 2024 Mid-Year Report
View the Digital Flipbook Report

Restore Hope Today

This Gospel work is a collective partnership! We couldn’t do it without locking arms with Gospel partners around the world. Will you join the Love for the Least community through prayer and/or making a donation?

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Share The Good News Of The Gospel

Bringing HOPE Where There Was None

We share the good news of the gospel with the least and unreached by making disciples of Jesus who make disciples (2 Tim 2:2). And by helping to meet the physical needs of the poorest of the poor. The focus has always been on relieving suffering and building new lives among orphans and widows. And now refugees. There are more than 1,000,000+ refugees from ISIS in Northern Iraq where L4L is presently serving. L4L’s particular focus areas are strategic unreached portions of East Africa and the Middle East where God is moving.