
Disciple Making Movements (DMM) are sweeping the planet! The biggest move of God in history is now underway and it’s happening through DMMs. Iran is home to the world’s fastest growing church, Afghanistan is number two … and it’s all happening in Movements which are taking hold in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and now Europe and the US.

A movement is defined as — over a three to five year period – 100+ new churches some of which have multiplied to the fourth generation (a church that has planted a church that has planted a church, etc.) with 1,000 baptisms. There are 1,900+ certified movements (these have to be counted and audited) and 5,600+ emerging Movements. Source

The average size church on the planet stands at 15 members. But it depends on the security situation. The average size for a given part of the world depends on how many people can gather without getting in trouble. In Iran, it’s five. Pictured above is one of our Syrian house churches.

Our team now has one certified movement, one getting very close and another five emerging nicely. Churches and discipleship groups are multiplying in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar.

“God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil.” — E.M. Bounds

How can you pray for Movements?

Our Three Prayer Priorities:

  • That the Father’s Name would be glorified in the world around us.”
  • The God’s Kingdom would be ushered in with power.
  • That the people of the world — and particularly disciples of Jesus – would obey the Word and will of the Father.

An ideal place to start praying for Movements is by reading Luke, Chapter 10, and praying through each line.

  • Verse 1: Pray that God would divinely match partners that will go out 2 by 2.
  • Verse 2: Pray for more laborers. Remember, these are not missionaries but anyone who obeys and shares.
  • Verse 3: Pray for boldness to go where “wolves” are.
  • Verse 4: Pray for provision and discernment regarding where to go/travel.
  • Verse 5: Pray that disciple makers would be full of the peace of the Kingdom.
  • Verse 6: Pray that disciple makers would have discernment regarding which homes to enter.
  • Verse 7: Pray for wisdom for disciple makers to know how much time to spend with whom.
  • Verse 8: Pray that disciple makers would be received with hospitality.
  • Verse 9: Pray for anointing over disciple makers to perform signs and winders and for healing and miracles to happen through the laying on of hands.
  • Verses 10 – 13: Pray for discernment for disciple makers which someone/place is not receptive, when the timing is wrong, or when they are out of the will and plan of God to quickly cut ties and move on with no repercussions.

Thank you for praying!